Read: Philippians 2:5-8; Bible in one year: Luke
6:17-7:50; Job 23:1-13
The Bible speaks of counting the cost in several
passages. But counting the cost is particularly presented in a very powerful
way in Philippians 2:5-8. Verse 5 of this scripture admonishes us to have the
mindset that was also in our Master Jesus.
“Let this mind be in you,
which was also in Christ Jesus:” Philippians 2:5
What mindset is the Bible talking about here? The
succeeding verses answer this question. Jesus Christ is the second Person of
the Trinity. Before He took the form of a man, Jesus Christ as God the Son was
a member of the Godhead, and therefore equal in power and authority with God
the Father and God the Holy Spirit. By accepting to make the form of a man, He
relinquished His equality and became completely subordinated to the will of His
Father. All these did not happen suddenly; it was not a spontaneous reaction.
The Lord Jesus was able to accomplish this because He had counted the cost and
had made a personal commitment to follow through with it. Despite the great
personal lost to His Person in heaven, the humiliation, the suffering and death
he had to suffer here on earth, He went through it all because it was a
deliberate decision he consciously made. Jesus indeed counted the cost.
The lives of many Bible characters shows that they
were familiar with the principle of counting the cost. Abraham counted the
cost. He properly understood the instructions of the Almighty God and follow
through with it without looking back. He never at any time considered going
back to his native country because he had counted the cost. The four Hebrews
ambassadors were well aware of what was at stake the moment they got to Babylon. They quickly
counted the cost and in Daniel 1:8, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego made
a commitment to God that cost them their right to the king’s table, because
they had counted the cost and has made a commitment to follow though with it at
all cost. They dared the lion’s den and the fiery furnace and came out
victorious. The good news is that when you make up your mind with a strong
commitment to serve the Lord at all cost, it attracts great heavenly rewards.
Count the cost of going all the way with Jesus, count the cost of surrounding
all to Him, count the cost of living holy, and then make a strong commitment to
serve God at all cost. How committed are you to God?
Action Point
Father, please help me to be committed to You no
matter what it takes, in Jesus’ Name.
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