Memorise: And they went
forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the
word with signs following. Amen. Mark 16:30
Read: Acts 13:1-5, Bible in
one year: 1st Kings 4-6, Proverbs 15:25-16:5
Missions can be defined as
God specifically sending a person to reach the unreached for him. The unreached
are those people who have not heard the gospel sufficiently enough to be taken
over for Christ. The sender is God, and the personality sent is the missionary.
The unreached can be within the environment of the missionary or in faraway
lands. A call is imperative for missionary work. The missionary call is just
like any other call to Christian service. Many people have shipwrecked their
lives because they were not sure of God’s call upon their life. If you are sure
of God’s call upon your life, you will not be tossed to and fro by all shades
of doctrine. Being called to be a missionary is by God’s grace; it does not
follow a stereotyped style. Factor underlying God’s call includes acknowledging
and receiving a claim of ownership by Christ. You must acknowledge divine
ownership upon your life and develop an understanding of God’s will and have
the wiliness to do it. You should also develop sensitivity of the Holy Spirit’s
voice by having an open mind, an attentive ear and a pure heart. In addition,
you should be active in God’s service. A missionary call does not necessarily
come through a special revelation. The call can come through a casual remark by
a friend or neighbour about the heathen. It can be through a letter received
from a missionary or through reading extracts from an article, book or
periodical. It can be through a hymn, an anointed message, counselling from an
anointed leader or through divinely orchestrated circumstances. Are you
prepared to answer the missionary call?
A missionary should be
physically fit to withstand adverse situations such as mosquitoes, bad
climates, diseases, poor pubic sanitation and poor medical services. Also, a
prospective missionary should at least be at the level of his or her audience.
In other words, a missionary must be adequately educated to reach the highest
of all the educated folks in the mission field and should be able to meet and
discuss with other missionaries at their level. To excel as a missionary, you
need a charming personality that is emotionally stable. You should also be able
to adapt to the culture and food of other people. There is equally the need for
you to be patient and persevering. A missionary should be versatile. He or she
should also be submissive to God, the mission board and to his or her superior
officers. Finally, whoever wishes to be a missionary should have a thorough
experience of salvation, sanctification and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Action point
For success on the field, every
missionary should ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Go ahead and ask for
these gifts now.
Please drop a comment. God bless you!