Memorise: Let your light so
shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father
which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Read: Matthew 5:14-16, Bible
in one year: 2nd Kings 15:17-17:23, Proverbs 23:29-24:7
Just as “Arise” from
yesterday’s Bible reading is a command, “Shine” in today’s passage is also a
command to shine is a call to you to show the light inside you. This implies
that you should show forth your good works and show the world that you belong
to God. Action they say speaks louder than voice. Jesus Himself said by their
fruits ye shall know them (Matthew 7:20). It can also mean to roll back or
resist darkness. In the natural world, when light shines where there has been
darkness, the darkness recedes. Therefore you as a child of God are to kick out
the devil; kick him out of your family, out of your work place and out of your
community (Mark 16:17). Sickness, failure, demonic oppression, bondage and
sorrow are all manifestation of darkness. It is your duty to kick them out.
The command to “shine” could
also mean, “Show your potential”. We as children of God are destined for
greatness (Ephesians 1:18-23). It also means that you should use your talents
(Matthew 25:14-30). We all have certain talents given to us by our Master that
we should put to use and make gains from Him with. We should be wise and not
behave like that wicked and slothful servant, who went to hide his Master’s
talent in the ground. Of course, you know that the end of that servant was
terrible; he was cast out into the outer darkness after the one talent he
refused to use had been given to the servant who made use of his own five and
gained five more. May you not end the way this wicked servant ended in Jesus’
To shine can also mean “Do
exploits” (Daniel 11:32). Exploits means “Great things”. To shine means to
excel, to be above all others, just Daniel and his friends excelled above all
the wise men of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 1:17-20). To shine can also mean to
generate or produce light. This further means that, Jesus, being the Light of
the world, is reproducing His light in us (John 9:5). There is no way you will
generate light without producing heat. This is what makes the difference
between the sun and the moon. The sun generates light on it surface and its
heat is felt on the earth, though it is 93 million miles away. The moon however
does not generate light, it only reflects the light from the sun, and hence we
do not feel any heat from it, though it only about 239,000 miles away. This
indicates that as you generate light, the heat of persecution is bound to come
along. You do not need to be frightened or scared; you just need to be prepared
for it.
Action Point:
Pray that God will help you
to shine more brightly.
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