Memorise: Therefore, my beloved
brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the
Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1st
Corinthians 15:58
Read: Revelation 3:7-11, Bible in one
year: Acts 22:22-24:21, Song of Solomon 6:10-7:10
Many Christians believe in their pastor
and the doctrines of their Church. There is nothing wrong in this in as much as
the pastor is living right and the doctrines are biblical. However, your faith
and steadfastness must be built on Jesus Christ, the Author and finisher of
your faith who cannot disappoint you. A man will backslide with his pastor, if
his faith anchors on the pastor and the pastor backslides. This is the reason
why you must know Jesus Christ will make you steadfast if you know Him
adequately enough. The Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul wrote this:
what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and
I count all things but loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus
my Lord: for whom I have suffered the boss of all things, and do count them but
dung that I may win Christ,”
You may want to ask, what do I know
concerning the Lord Jesus? I know that Jesus is alive. I am very sure of this.
I have very many testimonies to prove this. I was always feeling ill and it was
a monthly occurrence despite medications. I had taken more than two thousand
injections without any respite. However, when I stated calling on the Name of
Jesus, I never fell ill again. For my wife and children, He is just same.
Illness has been completely removed from my home. He that you believe is alive
should surely help you to overcome just about any problem and quickly too, of
truly He is alive. If He is dead, surely He cannot even help Himself. An
ordinary man cannot perform these miracles no matter how deep he has gone into
occultism. Satan will cast you aside to face another person once he knows he cannot
take you away from Jesus Christ. Just go on praising God if Satan brings
illness to your child. This attitude will shock the devil and make him flee
from you. He will see you as a mad man rejoicing in the midst of trouble. The
world and its lust who run from you if you can stand firm in your faith. The
Bible in Galatians 5:1 says:
fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not
entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
May the Lord uphold you to the end in
Jesus’ Name.
Prayer Point
Father, I cannot hold myself; I put my
trust in your everlasting arm, please upholds me to the very end.
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