Memorise: Jesus saith unto her, Said I
not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see glory of God?
John 11:40
Read: Matthew 15:22-28, Bible in one
year: Ezekiel 43:13-45:6, Revelation 19:11-20:6
If you know how to move God, there will
never be anything that you will not be able to get done on earth. This is the
main reason why it is necessary for every one of us to get close to God.
Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:10 said:
I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his
sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;”
He craved to know more of God despite
the current depth of his knowledge. Just like Paul, every one of us needs to
continue in our thirst for more of Him. If you want God to always move in your
life and situation, there are a few things you can do. If these things are not
done, you may be compelled to wait longer than expected before miracles can be
activated in your life. In Genesis 181:1-5, Abraham had a divine visitation.
Some strangers though they were on assignment to bless and transform his life
forever. Thank God Abraham was sensitive enough to realise he must do something
in order to get something. Abraham showed good hospitality to the visitors. He never
knew that by so doing, he was already preparing heaven to move on his behalf.
This is why those who give good offerings only once in a while are only denying
themselves the miracles that God has promised them. That you gave quality
praise yesterday is not enough to deny God praise today. You must constantly do
things that will activate the miracles that God has prepared for you.
In the life of a child of God, there are
two possible kinds of divine encounter: going to God to meet with Him and God
Himself coming on a visit. Either of these encounters has the potential of
activating a miracle. When a person meets with God, his life cannot remain the
same. The problems of yester years vanish and the mourning of yesterday is
turned to laughter. However, when God Himself comes visiting, the miracles
received are always record-breaking. I believe there is a reader of this
devotional, who will receive a visit from God in Jesus’ Name. When God comes
visiting, He brings lots of miracles, signs and wonders to the visited.
Usually, such visits are activated when there is something critical that needs
to be done in the life of the visited. Abraham was visited by God at the time
when the hope of having a child of covenant was lost. Is that what your case
looks like today? Have you waited all these years and your name has become a synonym
for barrenness? Have you been tagged as that woman who has no husband or that
man without a job? Today, God will visit you. Every pending promise will be
fulfilled. Every secret tear will be wiped away. Your hope is being restored
right now in Jesus’ Name. I see all your trials becoming a great testimony.
Prayer Point
Father, let me receive an uncommon visit
from you that will turn my life around.
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