Memorise: That ye put off concerning the
former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful
lusts; Ephesians 4:22
Read: Colossians 3:8-10; Bible in one
year: Joshua 12:7-14:15, Mathew 20:29-21:17
After experiencing salvation, the heart
city of every child of God should be to live above sin. The Bible teaches that
glorious victory over sin is available for every believer (Romans 6:14). The
moment we are serious about tapping into the grace of that Christ has made
available to us, all that was evil in us will remain permanently buried. Some
Christians have never even heard of the victorious life of holiness, so they
continue sinning and confessing their sins from day to day. You need to know
that God has made us to triumph always in Christ Jesus (2nd
Corinthians 2:14). However, recognise the fact that despite the provision of
victory over sin, you still have your own free will. You can choose to accept
or reject a life of victory over sin. If you yield to Christ, you will be free
from the power of sin (Romans 6:7-8), but if you yield to sin, you will go down
from iniquity to iniquity (Romans 6:19). Temptation is one of the most familiar
experiences of a true child of God, and no one can totally escape from it. This
is why the Lord taught us in Matthew 16:13a to include this petition in our
daily prayer:
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:”
Temptation is not sin until you yield to
it. When Joseph found himself cornered by Potiphar’s wife, he ran away, tearing
his garment (Genesis 39:12). Thank God his destiny was not torn. Tear off the
garment of those things that can cause you to backslide.
The salvation of your soul worth more
than all the wealth of this world. The devil is aware of this and that is why
he wants you to lose your salvation. From 1st John 2:15-17 we
understand that, the root of all besetting sins is the love of the world. This
is expressed through the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride
of life. Lust runs against God’s expectation. Lust will not allow us to see the
One leading the way. Concerning pride, the Bible says that those who exalt
themselves shall be abased (Matthew 23:12). We must be wary of gossip and those
who make it their past time. There is danger in idle words. God is not against
laughter and humour as some wrongly believe, but he frowns at jesting, which
are unholy jokes (Ephesians 5:4). Following the Lord’s footsteps requires
self-denial, which is an exercise that must be done daily. We must acknowledge
that we are helpless and hopeless without the mercy of God, and confess our sins
no matter how numerous and terrible they are (Proverbs 28:13). We must seek
God’s face for pardon to give room for the Blood of Jesus which alone can be
the cleansing.
Prayer Point
Father, as I yield myself to your
spirit, tear away every garment that makes me susceptible to sin.
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