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25 January 2020 Daily Declarations

25 January 2020 Daily Declarations

This Saturday, the presence of the Almighty will go with you and your entire household: both far and near all through the day, in Jesus’ Name!
25 January 2020 Daily Declarations 1
25 January 2020 Daily Declarations

May the blessings of this week make your life much comfortable and keep you and your family at peace, in Jesus Name!
I decree no discouragement has a place in my life henceforth, I’m the salt of the world, in Jesus’ Name
I declare that I am saved and walk by faith clothed in the whole armor of God ~ Ephesians 2: 8
I testify that I am forgiven and my life is made new in Christ ~ Psalm 103:3, 1 John 1:9
I declare that I live and walk in divine perfect health in my body from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet ~ Isaiah 53:5
I declare that my body is free from sickness and diseases in the name of Jesus ~ Psalm 103: 3-5, Exodus 15:26
I declare I am baptized with fire in the Holy Ghost and I speak with new tongues according to the word of God ~ Matthew 3:11, Mark 16:17
I have been given the authority of Jesus to bind on earth whatever is already bound in heaven and to loose on earth whatever is already loosed in heaven. I regain my authority as an Ambassador of Christ, in Jesus’ Name.
I decree I will live to see the goodness and blessings of God in the land of the living in Jesus name
I cancel every debt of weariness and discouragement resting upon my soul in Jesus name
I declare a CLEANSING and UNIFYING of all users on this platform, in Jesus’ Name
I decree my life will never be idle place to inhabit the enemy of my soul in Jesus name
I declare, I am filled with joy and divine strength daily and I rise with courage each day, in Jesus’ Name
I command that sickness to leave your body now in Jesus Name!
I cover all homes on this platform with the blood of Jesus!
I will not have cause to mourn over anyone of you on this platform, in Jesus Name!
Go ahead and celebrate God for this declarations
We return all Glory to you Alone.
God bless You!

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