I decree this Thursday, I will function beyond the knowledge of man as I operate in divine wisdom and knowledge, in the name of Jesus
I decree my going out and coming in is guided and guarded by the power of the Most High.
I decree an end to every diseases, sickness, virus that is used as disguise to cut lives short and bring an end to souls of many unknowingly or knowingly, in the mighty name of Jesus
I decree in and around me divine release of freedom to every souls bound by any power of darkness, in the mighty name of Jesus
I decree my life will forever be a blessing and I will never fall prey of works or workers of darkness, in the name of Jesus
I destroy every element catapulting lives of people into the bottomless pit either physically or spiritually, in the name of Jesus
I bring to an end every satanic manipulations over my spiritual life, in the mighty name of Jesus
I cancel every dirty lifestyle polluting my spiritual life, especially sexual desires and greed, in the name of Jesus
I decree, my flesh will continue to be under my control with the help of the Holy spirit, in Jesus’ name
I decree, every manifestation of the enemy through my FLESH is cancelled, in the mighty name of Jesus
I decree, every satanic nightmare is put to stop right now, in the name of Jesus
I decree a surge of faith is released in and around me henceforth, in the name of Jesus
I decree divine guidance, provision and protection for as many missionaries on mission field, in the name of Jesus
I decree an end to the spread of coronavirus or the likes of it in any part of the world it’s dominated or yet to, in the name of Jesus
I decree every pestilence that roams in darkness be rebuked for my sake, in the name of Jesus
I decree total healing into all my body organs now, in the name of Jesus
Let there be divine visitation over your life this day, in the name of Jesus
I command that sickness to leave your body now in Jesus Name
I cover all homes on this platform with the blood of Jesus!
I will not have cause to mourn over anyone of you on this platform, in Jesus Name!
Go ahead and celebrate God for this declarations
We return all Glory to you Alone.
God bless You!
Please drop a comment. God bless you!