I speak to the gates of
17th July 2020, I will overcome everything that will come my way, in the mighty
name of Jesus
This morning, the presence of God
will go with me and my household, in the mighty name of Jesus
JULY 2020
HOLY SPIRIT thank you for your
supernatural guidance upon me everyday you deserve all my worship
I decree, regardless of the economy
in the world right now, my life will continue to be a blessing, in the mighty
name of Jesus
I decree, the power of God will
continue to work wonders in me now and forever. God’s hands has brought me out
of every darkness known or unknown, in Jesus’ name
I decree, the spirit of the Lord is
my guiding force therefore I can never be a subject to any unwanted spirit, in
Jesus’ name
I decree my life will be a channel
of great happenings to the glory of God, in the name of Jesus
I decree I will never be a subject
to attack or ridicule from the pit of hell in Jesus name
I cancel every thought that wants
to cloud my vision or my desires with things that are against the will of God
for me, in Jesus’ name
I decree, the light of God will
continue to shine in my path daily, in the mighty name of Jesus
I decree, the grace of God will
continue to move in my being and existence. God’s word sets me far above
principality and powers of darkness, in the mighty name of Jesus
I decree, for every sacrifice that
I make for Christ and the gospel’s sake, please, let me be rewarded hundred
folds in this world and in the world to come, with eternal life, in Jesus’
I decree, let everyone of us
sharing in Your suffering be glorified with You, in the mighty name of Jesus.
I decree, sickness and diseases are
far away from every member of my family. We shall continue to enjoy God’s
healing power, in the mighty name of Jesus
Holy spirit continue to be my
companion everywhere I go, in Jesus’ name
I decree concerning this nation the
spirit of God will sweep through and there will be revival of souls in Jesus’
mighty name
I decree whatever I lay my hands
upon henceforth, will prosper because the power of God inside of me is working
I decree concerning all leaders in
every capacity and people in different workforce, that the power of the Holy
spirit will flow through them as they experience salvation in Jesus name
Go ahead and celebrate Jesus for
these wonderful declarations!
We return all Glory to our FATHER
in heaven.
Holy Spirit, inspire intercessory
team for more prophetic declarations on this platform, in Jesus’ name
Please drop a comment. God bless you!