This Thursday, the presence of God will go with me and my household in
Jesus’ name!
I come against all evil revelations and it manifestation concerning my
household and I, in the mighty name of Jesus
I terminate every unwanted desires that keeps my mind burdened with fear
of unknown, in the mighty name of Jesus
I decree every delay and denying factors working endlessly over my
destiny is destroyed, in the mighty name of Jesus
I uproot every plan set to put my destiny on roller coaster of failure and
disadvantages, in the mighty name of Jesus
I decree henceforth my destiny is guided and guarded to function in the
path of the lord in every aspect in Jesus name
I conquer every evil prophecy with the truth of the word of God
henceforth, in the mighty name of Jesus
I decree my purpose in life will always stand and nothing can cut it off
in Jesus’ name
I decree my days on earth are filled with joy, blessings, favour and
upliftment all around in Jesus’ name
I decree my desires in life are permanently settled according to the will
of God in Jesus’ name
I decree every doubts in places of authority, toying with lives and
destinies of people is permanently erased and filled with the clarity and truth
of God henceforth, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
I decree every journey I embark on henceforth, I will experience the
possibility of God beyond the imagination of men in Jesus’ name
I decree the healing power of God overflows over my life and being
always, in the matchless name of Jesus
I decree, let every believer on this platform never miss the promises of
God that stands sure in our lives and our joy will never turn to sadness in
Jesus’ most powerful name
I decree over my country the purpose of God only will manifest in all
ramifications, in the mighty name of Jesus
I decree concerning my health, the grace of God will continue to speak
for me, in the mighty name of Jesus
We return all Glory to our FATHER in heaven.
Dear Holy Spirit, thank You for all the testimonies on this platform,
please continue to inspire the intercessory team for more prophetic
declarations on this platform, in Jesus’ name
Somebody shout Hallelujah!
Please drop a comment. God bless you!