Joyce Meyer (December-27-2023) Daily Devotional: You Can Enjoy Your Life.
When God had completed His six days of creation, He took time to look over everything, and according to the Amplified Bible, He saw that …it was very good and He validated it completely… (Genesis 1:31 AMP). By this time in the creation story, God had already created man and woman (see Genesis 1:27).
So, when He pronounced that everything was “very good,” it included Adam and Eve, who represent all of humanity. Everyone God made is good, including you and me.
Many people feel worthless, insecure, and unacceptable, which does not agree with God’s opinion of us.
He validates us completely. God knows everything about each of us, and He loves us unconditionally.
God approves of us; He may not approve of everything we do, but He does approve of who we are as His beloved children.
He does not want us to go through life discouraged, disappointed, wounded, or feeling bad about ourselves.
He wants us to think about ourselves like He thinks of us.
Throughout His Word, God lets us know what He thinks about us. It says we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14 ESV).
It says He rejoices over us with gladness and quiets us with His love (see Zephaniah 3:17).
It promises that He has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and that He will complete the good work He has begun in us (see Philippians 1:6).
It calls us the apple of His eye (see Psalm 17:8). And it says that He loves us with an everlasting love (see Jeremiah 31:3).
Hopefully you can see that God approves of and enjoys you.
I encourage you to approve of and enjoy yourself as well. This may take some time for you, especially if you have been deeply wounded or if you have experienced things that have made you feel unlovable, unacceptable, or inferior to others.
Never base what is true on your feelings because they don’t always agree with God’s Word.
I had to reach a point in my life where I had to decide to agree with what God’s Word says about me, even though I could have viewed myself as “damaged goods” because of sexual abuse by my father.
Choosing to enjoy and accept myself is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
God does not create anything worthless. He is good, and everything He does is good.
We cannot believe that God created us and also believe we are worthless. Begin to accept and enjoy yourself where you are, and God will help you get to where you need to be.
Prayer of the Day: Father, show me Your will for me and help me be courageous enough to believe I am good, and to make choices that agree with Your Word. I want the life that You want for me, amen.
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