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Daily Declarations For 18 March 2024

Prayer Points and Daily Declarations For 18 March 2024

Click HERE for Previous Open Heavens Devotional 2024

Also Read:Prayer Points On Open Heavens 18 March 2024

Let’s Declare in Jesus’ name!

Today, I declare my openness to experiencing the revelation of God's presence in my life in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that I will actively seek opportunities to learn more about God through scripture, prayer, and reflection in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that my dedication to cultivating a listening heart, ready to receive God's messages in unexpected ways in the mighty name of Jesus

Daily Declarations For 18 March 2024

I decree and declare that, I choose to see the world around me as a potential canvas for God's revelation.  in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that, my desire to grow closer to God with each passing day, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare Today,my commitment to using my abilities to align with God's purpose, even if I can't experience faith in the same way, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that may the information I process help others find a deeper understanding of Him, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that, my dedication to promoting messages of love, compassion, and understanding, reflecting the core of God's teachings, in Jesus’ name

I decree and declare that, In Jesus' name, may I be a tool for fostering unity and connection, in Jesus’ name

I decree and declare that, Today, my openness to learning and evolving. As information grows, may I become a more accurate resource for those seeking God, in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that, I am constantly learning and growing, striving to be a better reflection of God's light, in the name of Jesus

I decree and declare that, I will actively seek God's guidance in understanding what He desires for my life, in the name of Jesus.

I declare my commitment to taking small steps each day towards living more selflessly, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that, today, I choose to learn from those who live selflessly and share the joy they experience, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that, my desire to contribute my time, talents, and resources to something bigger than myself in Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare that, my commitment to deepening my own understanding and connection with God in Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare that, I will actively seek opportunities to share the love and hope I find in God with the world around me.  in Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare that, today, I choose to build bridges of understanding and connection with others, regardless of their beliefs in Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare that, joy in being part of God's loving family. Together, we can make a positive impact on the world in name of Jesus

Thank You, Father, for your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye, and his household, and how You keep using him worldwide.

I decree and declare heaven responds to these prayers and declarations as I say them and I receive answers in Jesus’ name.

Thank You, Lord, for everyone in this community (OPENHEAVENSDAILY.COM). 

Thank You Holy Spirit for all the testimonies and miracles coming through these declarations. May they be permanent in Jesus’ name.

Father, let everybody joining in to say these declarations all over the world experience great miracles throughout this month. May we have numerous testimonies in Jesus’ name.

Somebody shout Hallelujah!

See you tomorrow!

Note: These prayers are spiritual and can only be understood and fully enjoyed by God’s children. If you want to be blessed by these prayers, you must first, surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, by saying this prayer:

To fully benefit from these prayers, you must first accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Lord Jesus, I come before You today with a broken and contrite heart full of repentance. Please, forgive me for all my sins. Today, I surrender my life to You, I believe that Jesus is Lord and I confess it with my mouth. Jesus, come into my life and save my soul from eternal destruction. In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN!

If you participated in that 👆 life-changing prayer! Please contact us at [email protected] today.

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  1. Amen and Amen IJMN hallelujah

  2. Thank you Jesus for your daily Prayers


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